City of Lacombe
Drop off bins are located at Wolf Creek Drive, north of Highway 12 in Lacombe. The following materials are collected:

  • Corrugated cardboard and boxboard
  • Magazines
  • Office and mixed paper
  • Newspaper
  • Tin cans
  • #1 and #2 plastics such as juice and bleach containers, or milk/water jugs

Recycling Steps:

  1. Rinse and remove caps, labels and lids from all glass items.
  2. Rinse and remove labels from all cans.
  3. Remove labels and loose lids from tin cans and dispose separately.
  4. Rinse, remove labels and caps and crush Code "2" plastic containers.
  5. All cardboard should be flatted, with metal staples / tape / waxed paper / plastic packing slip removed.

What can't you recycle?

  • Aerosol containers
  • Motor oil containers
  • Foil containers
  • Ceramics
  • Hazardous waste
  • Styrofoam, including egg containers
  • Containers with food products inside 
  • Glass

Contaminating recycling could result in the entire load being landfilled.

Find more information about the City of Lacombe's recycling program here: